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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Introduction to Taxation [2/2]

This is the continuation of yesterday's post. Of course.

Introduction to Taxation

Situs (place) of taxation

  • real property - where the property is located
  • tangible personal property - where it is physically located
  • intangible personal property - place of living of the owner
  • income tax - location where the income earner resides or where income was earned
  • business, occupation or transaction - place where business or occupation is done or where the transaction took place.

Double taxation - taxing the sabe subject twice during the same taxing period.

  • Direct double taxation - the same subject is taxed twice by the same taxing authority, in the same taxing jurisdiction, for the same taxing period and for the same character of tax.
  • Indirect double taxation

Forms of escape from taxation

  • shifting - transfer of burden
  • capitalization - reduction of price of taxed object 
  • transformation - improvement of business process to minimize cost
  • evasion - illegal means to lessen the payment of tax
  • avoidance - legal means of assessing income to reduce tax liability
  • exemption - grant of immunity


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